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How To Incorporate Red Neon Lights Into Your Space

From the flaming red sunset to your favorite Taylor Swift album, red is the one color that can somehow encompass nearly every emotion on the spectrum. This versatility also extends to interior design, in fact, the only thing that pops more than red is neon red.

As intimidating as the color might seem at first glance, there are a million ways to incorporate red neon lights into your space. You can make it warm, welcoming, or even sexy if that’s what the situation calls for. Find inspiration with this rad guide to the red neon sign aesthetic, and get ready to see your space in a whole new light.

Light Up The Kitchen

From the color of your favorite fast food brand to a refreshing ruby tomato, red just screams food. Whether it’s at home or your office, a warm red neon light doesn’t just make for a more inviting space, it might just make the food taste better too (this one goes out to the struggling chefs).

A cherry neon sign is a great choice to start with. Both compact and vibrant, this neon sign can fit comfortably even in a crowded kitchen, and the fun innuendo doesn’t hurt either.

LED Does It Better

A neon sign heating up the room is the last thing you need while trying to relax at home on a well-earned Saturday night. Even at work, certain neon signs can become incredibly distracting for employees, emitting obnoxious buzzing sounds throughout the day. You can sidestep these problems by investing in red LED neon lights.

LED lights aren’t just more affordable than traditional lights, they’re also much more energy-efficient. This benefit can be crucial if you’re shopping for a light for your working space, where it will most likely be running all through the day. Cleaning LED neon signs is so much easier than gas-based signs— just wipe them down with a damp cloth.

A Cozier Bedroom

You don’t have to wait for Valentine's Day to set the mood for romance. A red neon sign aesthetic makes for a game changer in the bedroom, especially if you’re setting up a heart neon sign above the bed.

In the mood for something a little more subtle? A well-designed floor lamp is all that and more. For example, our minimalist floor lamp can slide right into a bedroom or office corner and light the room up in your favorite colors. Tired of red? You can always use the remote control to change or even dim the colors for a good night’s sleep.

Keep The Hustle Going

Red neon lights are a fantastic choice if you’re looking to supercharge productivity at the office. Hang up a hustle neon sign on an easily-visible wall to remind your team to keep pushing through, even when Monday morning makes it feel impossible.

Let Loose With Red

If you're looking to throw a memorable party, the red neon sign aesthetic should be right at the top of your list. Infuse your next event with that main character energy using event lighting that’ll keep the party going long after the sun goes down.

You have a ton of flexibility when it comes to your choices here. You can keep things on the down low with a quiet, but powerful red open sign for the bar, or, throw caution out the window with a naughty neon sign. You’re not going to need an icebreaker after this one.

Customize Your Sign

You’ve designed your space to be unique and suit your own aesthetic, why shouldn’t it be the same for your next red neon light? If you’re working with experts, creating a custom neon sign is easy, and you can have one shipped to you in no time.

You can personalize your red sign to reference the things that matter to you and your loved ones–whether that’s an anniversary date, a song, or even a romantic quote. No matter what you go with, it’s going to look better in red.

Go Red With Radikal

One of the biggest advantages of creating a red neon sign aesthetic in your space is that it flows seamlessly with most interior designs. We’d recommend pairing your lights with warm or earthy tones.

If you’re thinking about creating a neon sign for your space, check out our neon sign maker! From romantic red-tinged proposals to evocative neon signs for bachelor pads, the experts at Radikal Neon® have helped customers all across the globe go red in style. Contact us today to find out what we can do to light up your space.