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I'm Dreaming of a Bright Christmas: Transform the Holidays With Outdoor Neon Signs

It’s the most festive time of the year, and everyone’s looking for decor to up the ante with fabulous decorations and show pieces. Outdoor neon signs are one of the best ways to stand out from the crowd with creative decor that still embodies the jolly spirit of the holidays we all love. Use these outdoor neon lighting tips to make this holiday season one to remember.

Begin The Festivities With LED

Whatever custom outdoor neon sign you go with, you’ll want to make sure it’s LED. Whether you’re hanging a sign up on the roof in the freezing snow, or the living room right above a warm fireplace, LED neon signs can run in just about any environment without breaking down. They’re also straightforward to clean — you don’t even have to take them down.

LED signs are also a great choice if you’re worried about electricity bills. If you use them as part of your usual home Christmas lighting, outdoor neon signs can run for extended durations during the holiday season, and with rising electricity prices, the cost is bound to be a concern. LED neon is much more efficient than traditional neon lights and can burn brighter while making sure that your bills stay low. 

Stick To The Classics

If you’re going for a bright neon Christmas, it’s hard not to start with a vibrant neon Christmas tree. Nothing grabs the neighbors' attention quite like a brilliant outdoor neon Christmas light by the porch. A modern spin on classic holiday decor.

While we’re at it, feel free to get cheeky with a tiny Santa sign on the roof, perhaps by the chimney. It’s good for a laugh, and it’ll also serve as an invitation for our friends from the North Pole.

Go Minimalist

Christmas decor can quickly turn into a competition, with neighbors and friends trying to one-up each other with ornaments that are each bigger and more bombastic than the last, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

You can easily make your mark and show your Christmas spirit off with a more subtle, but equally jolly minimalist outdoor neon sign. It could be anything from waves in Christmas colors to a friendly smiley face. Everyone’s going to have string lights up on the roof, and a subtle neon sign adds a hint of taste that just can’t be matched.

Wish Them in Neon

‘Merry Christmas’ just sounds better in neon. From witty one-liners to heartwarming declarations of love, a neon sign quote is always a great idea for the holidays. Take it a step further by personalizing the outdoor neon sign for your loved ones, because nothing makes you feel more special than seeing your name lit up in bold and bright neon.

Set Up a Photo Booth

The holidays are a time to get cozy with Christmas movies like Die Hard (yes, it counts) and bond with your friends and family, but it’s also a photo op that absolutely nobody wants to miss.

If you’re looking for last-minute ideas to save that special holiday event coming up, an outdoor neon sign photo booth might be exactly what the doctor ordered. Keep it light and family-friendly with outdoor neon lights for kids. Just throw up a bright background with a contrasting neon sign and you’ve got a photo booth to remember.

Liven Up The Party

Christmas festivities at home can be low-key and comfy, but office parties tend to be another matter entirely. Take the loud music and eggnog to another level with the right neon sign.

There are tons of options when it comes to using neon signs at a party. For example, you can arrange a spruced-up open bar outdoors with a “champagne” neon sign to let your coworkers and friends know that this isn’t your average Christmas party.

Get Creative

There’s no shortage of great outdoor neon signs if you go custom. From an ambitious installation that spans the entirety of your roof to a multicolored outdoor neon sign to highlight your massive Christmas tree, the only limit is your imagination.

Premium LED neon signs now come with an acrylic backing, and can be set up in minutes with a simple screw kit. Customize to your heart’s content and just plug it in when the sign arrives!

Have a Rad Holiday!

Make this holiday season unforgettable with a neon twist. Whether it’s a lit photo booth or a hilarious outdoor neon light by the porch, there’s no better way to create a festive atmosphere outdoors. 

If you’re looking to create a customized neon sign, check out Radikal Neon! With an extensive collection of outdoor neon signs to shop from, free shipping, and a 12-month warranty on every sign, it’s bound to be a great holiday season.